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Prêt pour votre future cuisinesalle de bainsbuanderieliving

Notre recette :

Sur-mesure. Qualité. Conseil ultra personnalisé. Transparence. Fait avec amour pour durer.

Basta. Ca suffit. Stop. Genung.

Read the story


avec vous

Many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship, social equity and economic viability into the creation of places with distinct beauty and identity.

Many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship, social equity and economic viability into the creation of places with distinct beauty and identity.

Many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship, social equity and economic viability into the creation of places with distinct beauty and identity.


Combinaisons différentes. Aucun doute, on trouvera ce qu'il vous faut.


Années d'expérience. Depuis 1958, la famille Nolte continue d'innover pour vous.


De place en plus. Sans pousser vos murs, grace à nos meubles plus haut ou plus profonds.

Concept Drawing

Since the 1980s, as the complexity of buildings began to increase, the field of architecture became multi-disciplinary.

Schematic Design

Since the 1980s, as the complexity of buildings began to increase, the field of architecture became multi-disciplinary.

Project Administration

Since the 1980s, as the complexity of buildings began to increase, the field of architecture became multi-disciplinary.

1. Architecture


Interior Design.

Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interiors, sometimes including the exterior, of a space or building, to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment.

2. City marks


City Marks.

Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise, Concor delivers world class infrastructure solutions to customers and stakeholders across a

3. Construction

Cafe —


Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interiors, sometimes including the exterior, of a space or building, to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment.

Weeeee are the champiooons !


Pour la 3e fois fois de suite, Nolte à été reconnu Marque de cuisine préférée en Allemagne. d'après la qualité des produits, le design et le rapport qualité-prix.

Nolte a également le label PEFC qui garantie une gestion durable, respectueuse et économique de la forêt.

Enfin, le « Goldene M », atteste de la qualité des meubles, de leur durabilité et de leur stabilité.

On se boit un café ? Venez nous voir à notre showroom.

13 Rue Abel Gance ,
57100 Thionville, France

(Juste entre Dafy Moto et Salvino)

Nous sommes ouvert du Mardi au vendredi, de 10h à 12h et de 14h à 19h.
Le samedi toute la journée de 10h à 19h.
